Reviews of the best indie games and horror games

One Way Ticket Ep. 2 Mortified by Apparitions Horror Game

In One Way Ticket Ep. 2, you play as Simon Crummsby, the owner of Green Soda. Your local competitor and former employee Mr. Rumpleton calls you up and invites you to lunch at his HQ. He’s the CEO of sCream, this name and his lunch invitation are not suspicious at all. We walk over to visit in good faith anyways.

I loved the small town the creator put into the game, it’s a lot of extra detail that I always appreciate. Even the psycho chicken from episode 1 is back! He’s just hanging around eating a sandwich this time though.

One Way Ticket Ep. 2 Endings and Story Explained

One Way Ticket Ep. 2 small town buildings exploration
Colorful small town exploration

Spoilers ahead, there’s a few different ways to end One Way Ticket Ep. 2! Once you leave the party, Sarah loses her mind and attacks you. Well actually you’re just hallucinating, so you grab an umbrella and beat her down. Then you go back to your own office to get your gun, there’s more zombies all over town.

If you just start blasting everyone when running then you get the bad ending. The sCream CEO was a menace and paid your best friend to drug you. If you kill everyone of course the police don’t investigate at all and don’t find out, so you spend your life in jail. Of course the natural reaction is to shoot up the place, like I did first. If you just defend yourself with the umbrella and don’t shoot anyone you get the True Ending.

The music choice and atmosphere of One Way Ticket Ep. 2 is top quality! Just like the first, the music fits perfectly for the mood of the game then entire way through. Created for the Two Minute Horror Game Jam with the theme of “Corporate Greed.” They really nailed the theme. If you haven’t played One Way Ticket Ep. 1, I’d highly recommend trying out that game too. The stories aren’t related so the playing order doesn’t matter.

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