Coffin Mall is an atmospheric retro survival horror game where a haunted hearse hunts you down. It’s your first night on the job as a mall cop, and you drive in to start your shift. Everything seems pretty calm, it’s dark and nobody else is around.
Good thing your trustworthy assistant cat Odysseus is here too! It’s very comforting to have a PS1 style cat around. It seems like a pretty easy job so far. You just have to go around and check the keypads every once in a while to keep your annoying boss happy.
Explore the Coffin Mall
You can explore the mall and check out the closed down stores. Most of them you can’t see really well, but the attention to detail was nicely done. There’s posters and other typical scenery you would see in a popular mall.
There’s even a really cool hearse on display! It’s part of a promotion for a new movie coming out soon called Final Ride.
Once you finish your job, you go back to your office. The power gets knocked out though, so you leave to check on everything. You hear the scream of your trustworthy cat partner, which was incredibly sad. They were last seen near that sinister looking car.
Going back to where he was, you don’t see him. However the car is still there, and now it’s on. After you get close enough, it kicks into gear and rushes in front of you. This car is out for blood! All of the doors are locked, will you be able to escape? Is there someone actually in the car? So many questions about this bizarre living car that’s now trying to kill you.
You can escape the mall through the vents, and you have a final showdown with the murder car. Luckily you can get into your own car now and ram into it. That only lasts so long though, you can smash into the murder car for a while but your engine dies. You have to finish it off by luring it into walls.
A Unique Take on a Mall Horror Story
The killer car kind of reminds me of the episode of Futurama where Bender gets turned into a Werecar. It was fun to see a similar story made into a game. Being chased down and trying to avoid being run over was an intense experience that was different from your typical horror games where you’re chased by monsters and killers.

Coffin Mall has a unique setting and story with top quality retro style graphics. I really like the theme, ideas they used, and the sound track as well. The sinister rock style music that plays when you get close to the car is excellent and fits this game perfectly. The Final Ride movie and posters made to go along with the killer car made it feel much more special.
It gave the car a reason to exist and if you were to name the car ‘Final Ride’, that would be a perfect name for it. A small snippet of the movie playing would have made a neat addition as well.
My only complaint is that it’s a $4.50 game on itchio or $5.00 on Steam. I liked the game and I do value the work that indie developers put in, but it’s really not worth paying that much. It takes around 10-15 minutes to complete depending on how much you get run over, and it doesn’t have good replay value. Still, it’s a great game and if you like my review and video, consider giving it a try. I hope to see more from OKSoft like this!